You've heard people say it and maybe you have even said it
yourself. "Don’t worry Mom or Dad,
I’ll take care of you in your old age."
This always seems to be a simple loving gesture on your part
as you see them beginning to age and settle into retirement. The thought of their actually failing in
health or mental capabilities seems absurd or at most, years down the road.
Thus it catches most children and spouses unprepared and sometimes surprised
when their loved one needs care and help with daily living activities.

Former first lady Rosalynn Carter made this statement,
"There are only
four kinds of people in this world: those who have been caregivers, those who
currently are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, those who will need
Statistics show that the possibility of becoming a family
caregiver grows yearly.
"43.5 million of adult family caregivers care for
someone 50+ years of age and 14.9 million care for someone who has Alzheimer's
disease or other dementia."
Alzheimer's Association, 2011 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and
Figures, Alzheimer's and Dementia , Vol.7, Issue 2.
"The value of unpaid family caregivers will likely
continue to be the largest source of long-term care services in the U.S., and
the aging population 65 and over will more than double between the years 2000
and 2030, increasing to 71.5 million from 35.1 million in 2000." Coughlin,
J., (2010). Estimating the Impact of Caregiving and Employment on Well-Being:
Outcomes & Insights in Health Management, Vol. 2; Issue 1
There are two types of caregiving scenarios, Formal and
Formal Caregivers
Formal caregivers are care providers associated with a
service system. Service systems might
include for-profit or nonprofit nursing homes,
intermediate care facilities, assisted living, home care agencies,
community services, hospice,
church or charity service groups, adult day care,
senior centers, association services and state aging services. Professional care managers and legal and financial
professionals can also be of help.
Some these formal caregiver services are covered by Health Insurance, Long Term Care
Insurance, Medicare
and VA Benefits. Otherwise for formal care where there is a
charge, payment is out-of-pocket by the individual or family members. Private pay, out-of-pocket for long term care
services can be costly and advance financial
planning is advised when possible.
Informal Caregivers
Informal caregivers are family, friends, neighbors, or
church members who provide unpaid care out of love, respect, obligation, or
friendship to a disabled person.
The number of
informal caregivers range from 20 million to 50 million people. This could represent about 20% of the total
population providing part-time or full-time care for loved ones.
About two-thirds of those caregivers for people over age 50
are employed full-time or part-time and two-thirds of those–about 45% of all
working caregivers–report having to rearrange their work schedule decrease
their hours or take an unpaid leave in order to meet their caregiving
The average amount of time informal caregivers provide
assistance is 4.5 years, but 20% will provide care for 5 years or longer
(National long term care survey 1999).
Below are some of the activities provided by or supervised
by informal caregivers. The Accidental Caregivers, involved in this type of
care, will find themselves picking up a few things that need to be done or
supervised in the beginning and adding more as the need increases.
Managing money and paying bills
Writing letters or notes
Making repairs to the home, maintaining a yard, and removing
Providing comfort and assurance or arranging for
professional counseling
Answering the phone
Making arrangements for meeting medical needs and doctors'
Shopping and running errands
Providing transportation
Maintaining the household
Attending to personal hygiene and personal grooming
Administering medications
Help with walking, lifting, and bathing
Help with using the bathroom and with incontinence
Providing pain management
Preventing unsafe behavior and preventing wandering
Providing meals
Doing the laundry
24 hour care and monitoring
Nutrition management
Financial planning
Legal directives
Medical directives
End of life planning
Understanding the
Progression of Care Commitment
As care needs
increase, both in the number of hours required and in the number or intensity
of activities requiring help, there is a greater need for the services of
formal caregivers.
"Unfortunately, many informal caregivers become so
focused on their task, they don't realize they are getting in over their heads
and that they have reached the point where partial or total formal caregiving
is necessary. Managing their own needs
and daily schedule along with those of the person they are caring for can
become so consuming and energy depleting that the caregiver themselves are in
need of care. It becomes time to bring
in other family members, professional services and medical advisors to create a
plan of care that is best for all involved." - National Care Planning Council
Caregiver stress and caregiver burnout are serious issues
that face caregivers providing both formal and informal care. Make certain you
take care of yourself as well as take care of your loved one. The work of
caregiver is difficult, but as caregiver Marlo Solitto said "Caregiving
can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.
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