Friday, November 21, 2014

Let's Talk Boomers

Tune in tomorrow 11AM on 94.3 WSC for "Let'sTalk Boomers!"

Boomers have embraced the digital age, but still like the rustle of real newspaper. As Mark Twain might say, "The death of newspapers has been greatly exaggerated." So what are the best sources of print media for Boomers and where do we find them? Tune in tomorrow when host Rebecca Imholz talks with Torrey Monroe, publisher of the Lowcountry Senior Sun and his newly launched publication, the Summerville Senior Sun, "Keeping Focus on the Young & Active After 50."

AllCare Living Services is a presenting sponsor of "Let's Talk Boomers!"

Friday, November 14, 2014

Let's Talk Boomer! Saturday, 11/15/14 at 11am

Be sure to tune in to "Let's Talk Boomers!" this Saturday at 11 am on 94.3 WSC when host Rebecca Imholz talks about understanding the Medicare Open Enrollment process with Kirk Matenaer of Franklin and Associates.   The deadline for Medicare Open Enrollment is swiftly approaching - December 7! so you don't want to miss this show! AllCare Living Services is a presenting sponsor for "Let's Talk Boomers!"

Monday, November 10, 2014

AllCare to pilot a new Medication Dispenser System - Livi ™

AllCare to pilot a new Medication Dispenser System - Livi ™
Livi™ is a fully automated home medication dispenser designed and developed by PharmRight.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hidden Hunger Among Today's Elderly

Have you ever heard the term hidden hunger? It's often used to describe an intake of calories without the nutrition needed to support mental and physical health. But it also applies to the increasing number of older adults who live alone and aren't getting the food they need for a variety of reasons, ranging from poverty to forgetfulness.

In 2013, 2.9 million households (9 percent) with seniors experienced food insecurity, which is being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. Of those households, 1.1 million (9 percent) are made up of older adults living alone.

Click here to read more.